Items of Cu Mong tunnel project


Cu Mong tunnel is belong to the road tunnel project passing Deo Ca (including Deo Ca tunnel, Co Ma tunnel and Cu Mong tunnel). The total length of the route is 6,62km (new route), with the starting point at KM1239+119 National Highway 1 (Binh Dinh), ending point at tại KM1247+739 National Highway 1 (Phu Yen). The tunnel is 2.600m long, leading road is 4.020m long, on the route there are 2 brigde with total length of 36m. The leading road is designed following road standard level III (TCVN 4054-2005), designed speed is 80km/hour. Cu Mong tunnel is designed according to scale of the Deo Ca tunnel.

Cu Mong tunnel route was constructed in BOT form with phasing investment plan. Phase 1 includes construction of 2 tunnels according to the scale of Deo Ca tunnel, completion to put one tunnel into operation, the other tunnel will be used as refuge tunnel. The leading road is 20,5m wide but including 2 lanes with safety strip for the total width of 11m. The total investment for this project is 4.627 billion Vietnamdong.

Expectedly, in the end of 2018 all the equipment, ITS system, fire protection system, water supply and ventilation will be completed. In early 2019 the tunnel will be put into operation.

Project Information

Project nameItems of Cu Mong tunnel project
Type and grade of constructionTraffic works, special grades
Period of implementation2015 – 2019
LocationBinh Dinh Province and Phu Yen Province
Deoca Group member units execute the following items:– Construction of tunnel, tunnel bodywork;
– Roads, leading into two tunnels;
– Power System, ITS;
– The toll booth, TMC tunnel operating center