Upgrading and expanding Prenn Pass


Expanding the route is important in ensuring traffic safety, while also opening up many opportunities to promote economic trade and tourism development for the locality.

The Prenn Pass Upgrading and Expansion Project is a level III mountainous traffic project, with a length of about 7.37 Km, starting point at Km221+680 (end point of Lien Khuong - Da Lat Expressway, foot of Prenn Pass) - End point at Km229+049.74 on National Highway 20 (Intersection to Da Lat bus station).

According to the technical design plan, the roadbed is expanded from Bn = 9m to Bn = 15.5m, with the road surface being 14.5m wide, reinforced shoulders on both sides, each side being 0.5m wide. The road surface structure follows the standards of reinforced soft pavement structure on the old road surface, renewing the extension section to ensure quality standards (Eyc>140Mpa).

Regarding bridges, the route includes 2 bridges, of which 1 plate girder bridge at Km221+800 extends from the existing bridge to the left 3.5m from B=12m to B=15.5m. The scale of the bridge is simple, 3 beams 20m long. Renew a Super-T beam bridge at Km225+800 with width B=15.5m, length 120m with 3 simple spans of Super-T beams.

Project Information

Project name

Upgrading and expanding Prenn Pass

Type and grade of construction


Traffic works grade III in mountainous areas

Total construction value

 553 billion VND

Completion time

December 2023


Lam Dong Province