The human resource challenge and DEOCA’s solution

21/02/2025     4409

Third Prize-Winning Entry

Competition on understanding “Utilization and appreciation of human resources”

Searching for the keyword “giải quyết bài toán nhân sự” (solving the staffing issue) on Google yields approximately 85 million results in just 0.18 seconds. Meanwhile, the English equivalent, “staffing solutions”, generates around 192 million results in 0.27 seconds. Clearly, staffing issues are always a ‘hot’ topic. Many problems and solutions are proposed in every business, both domestically and internationally. DEOCA Group is no exception to these difficulties and challenging staffing issues.

With the philosophy of “Think different, Create difference”, Mr. Ho Minh Hoang, Chairman of the Board of Directors of DEOCA Group, has approached the company’s staffing issue with a unique and deeply human-centered strategy that requires no borrowed solutions. This approach has been refined and crystallized into the “Utilization – Appreciation” guiding principle.

The staffing issue for a profession that few wish to choose

Eloquent terms used to describe the merits of the construction industry in general and the transportation infrastructure sector in particular, such as “building the nation's infrastructure”, “the opportunity to travel and explore new lands”, “technical expertise and logical thinking”, etc., cannot outweigh the harsh realities of this profession. That is the danger, separation from family, a profession still referred to as “living outdoors in harsh conditions” and the reality of low salaries and chronic wage arrears prevalent in many businesses, while other service sectors increasingly offer more job opportunities, higher and more stable incomes, and favorable working environments. This has led the construction and transportation industries to a serious shortage of human resources in terms of both quality and quantity and the dedication of many people in this profession.

In the 2000s - 2010s, the score range for Construction Engineering - University of Transport and Communications was always the highest compared to other departments in the university and on par with top universities. However, by 2023, the score had dropped to a range of just 18.3 to 19.25, meaning that on average, a student only just graduated from high school with each subject slightly above 6 points is enough to pass. This is also the department with the lowest score range in the university, much lower than the departments that were once equivalent before. With such input quality, it is difficult for students to fully absorb the knowledge of difficult subjects such as Structural Mechanics, Strength of Materials, Soil Mechanics, Elasticity Theory, etc. Many times, the Planning-Technical Department of the Group has had unhappy experiences when interviewing “engineers” who could not answer simple questions such as “What is the compaction of the roadbed?” or “How to measure the slump of concrete?”.

Beyond grappling with the common challenges of the construction industry, DEOCA Group also faces even greater difficulties than the market.

Construction of the Huu Nghi – Chi Lang project

First, regarding geographical challenges, the Group's headquarters and several key units are located in the southern region, where the service sector is more developed than technical industries. Meanwhile, DEOCA’s construction sites span the entire country, often located in the hottest and most challenging areas of the transportation sector.

Secondly, tunnel construction is a specialized field that is not widely prevalent and is not as easily taught or transferred as bridge, road, or civil construction. Skilled tunnel engineers are not easy to recruit, as few mountain tunnels have been constructed domestically in the past. Even at this time, despite a significant increase in the number of tunnel projects, tunnel construction remains highly hazardous, involving regular exposure to explosives, toxic gases, dust, extremely high temperatures in tunnels, and complex machinery.

Project early morning shift handover meeting

Third, the timing of DEOCA’s entry into the construction industry posed a significant challenge. The time when the Group officially began undertaking transportation infrastructure projects was also the period when state-owned enterprises in the same industry were very strong with many years of experience, and with stable project pipelines. At this time, high-quality personnel overwhelmingly preferred working for these major state-owned corporations rather than joining a privately owned company that had only recently emerged from a struggling rural background.

DEOCA Group really started from a negative number, not the number zero.

The solution from “Utilization”

Facing numerous difficulties and challenges, DEOCA Group has taken its own unique step in utilizing personnel, which then became a common cultural trait, helping the enterprise make long, far, and solid strides.

Selecting and training personnel for utilizing, training for ourselves, and training for society. DEOCA Group's utilization of personnel is not only limited to assigning tasks but also helps them access culture and work more quickly through training. The employees themselves also need to be trained so that they have the right orientation, and understand and adjust themselves to the job requirements. Internal training is therefore of great concern to the Chairman of the Board of Directors, and specialized departments regularly conduct thematic programs under the guidance of the Training Department.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors directly chairs a meeting session with the Planning and Technical Department on March 19, 2024

In just the first 6 months of 2024, the Planning and Technical Department conducted 4 thematic training sessions; held regular weekly technical discussions; provided training on contract management software, and participated in many different seminars. These training sessions all directly addressed the skills that employees were lacking, utilizing materials and contents from the feedback from government agencies during field inspections, not general, not just merely theoretical discussions.

Employees will also have the opportunity to develop other skills such as presentation and public speaking debate - something that young personnel of the Group still lack. Conversely, the trainers who are also leaders of specialized departments will listen to feedback from employees to adjust their ideas and directives, suitable for each construction site and each emerging factor.

Not limited to the office, across all construction sites, “Deo Ca People” select to self-train, and experienced tunnel workers pass down their expertise to those who come after. Complex tunnel boring machines and concrete spraying machines, which no formal schools have, will have operating masters write textbooks and directly instruct apprentices.

Engineers discussing work at the Quang Ngai - Hoai Nhon project site

Training for in-house utilization purposes, DEOCA Group has set itself apart by collaborating with the HCMC University of Transport, launching the DEOCA Research and Training Institute in September 2023. This is also the first time in the country that a private enterprise has established its own Research and Training Institute. Within this, DEOCA aims to extend its training efforts beyond internal staff to include personnel from partner enterprises and state management agencies in the same industry. Trainees will receive certifications and degrees from educational institutions and gain exposure to advanced technologies such as high-speed rail and metro systems or engage in specialized research. The goal is that personnel after training, in any position, will meet common tasks, helping to develop the national infrastructure.

Inauguration Ceremony of the DEOCA Research and Training Institute in HCMC, September 30, 2023.

Utilization goes hand in hand with benefits aligned to work performance. Any employee working at the Group can see that there is no position with “sudden salary spikes”. Compared to the labor market, DEOCA offers salaries at an average level. The Group also does not promise employees exceptionally high salaries and bonuses. However, no salary reduction despite epidemics or price storms, not a single day of late payment, even if an employee has worked only a day or half a shift before leaving. Thanks to this approach, the Group immediately filters out candidates who are solely focused on high salaries and instead seeks individuals who genuinely wish to commit, contribute, and understand the corporate culture and work ethic of the Group upon joining. What is particularly different from other corporations and groups, here there is no differentiation between the parent company, subsidiaries, or any affiliated units, the same benefits apply across the board. Because at DEOCA, no one has to work alone, and in reality, no one works alone. Everyone contributes toward a shared goal, playing a crucial role in the development of the Group.

Physical health to ensure current work, and mental well-being for long-term commitment. Every year, employees undergo regular health check-ups. Clean, nutritious meals, well-maintained and comfortable living and working spaces, as well as fully equipped sports facilities, are standard across all projects undertaken by DEOCA. More importantly, a distinctive corporate culture, transparent policies, a steady source of work, and long-term future orientation serve as a motivation for employees to work with peace of mind.

The reference for “Appreciation”

The stories of young, passionate executives and leaders are always taken as role models by the Planning and Technical Department during internal cultural training sessions.

First and foremost, these are exemplary individuals with strong expertise, the ability to handle arising situations effectively, and steadfastness in both thought and action. They undergo a structured development pathway: “Probation – Apprenticeship – Work management – Work mindset”. These standout individuals not only prove their abilities through numerous challenges while serving as direct assistants to the Chairman and the Board of Directors, but they also deeply understand the corporate culture. They fully know the orientations and ideologies of the Group’s leaders on the path to building the organization’s unique identity. These personnel have been concerned and planned by the Chairman of the Board of Directors to participate in higher leadership roles and receive well-deserved benefits.

However, there have also been individuals within this rank who committed violations, faced disciplinary actions, or were reassigned despite holding key management positions within the Group. This underscores the fundamental principle of “rewards and penalties”, tolerance, and humanity but also drastic punishment to ensure that misconduct and negativity are decisively eliminated from the organization. “No one is perfect” - we acknowledge this, and so does the leadership of the Group. Mistakes made due to lack of knowledge or expertise may lead to certain damages, but mistakes in ideology, those that contradict the core values of “Aspiration – Determination – Gratitude”, can trigger a widespread collapse, erode trust, and tarnish the reputation of DEOCA. One essential quality of a leader at DEOCA Group is understanding “the purpose of being a leader”. That purpose must align with the organization’s growth and the advancement of the entire system, never placing personal interests above the collective mission.

That sets even higher requirements in personnel selection for utilization - but development is for “Appreciation”. Cultivating and training oneself to have self-respect, overcoming trials, temptations and challenges, and dedicating to building a sustainable future for the organization are factors to identify personnel for utilization or appreciation. For personnel who are “appreciated”, beyond physical and intellectual strength, there must also be moral strength, as captured in the saying: “A virtuous heart is worth three times the talent”.

Personnel categorized as “appreciated” are strategically developed for the Group’s long-term goals. They are facilitated to enhance their management and leadership skills, entrusted to be assigned difficult tasks to improve their hands-on expertise, for self-development, and positioned for sustained contributions to the organization. A portion of the organization’s potential benefit is also shared with this group of appreciated personnel.

A consistent policy reflected in every individual story

In September 2024, during a business trip to New York (USA), at Columbia University, addressed a question from a Vietnamese student studying overseas regarding policies to attract and appreciate talents from abroad, Party General Secretary To Lam emphasized: “When you have yet to contribute anything to your country, you should not demand too much for yourself”. The Party General Secretary also reaffirmed that Vietnam takes pride in cultivating many talented individuals ready to dedicate themselves to their homeland and country. He further highlighted that talents serving national interests can contribute remotely, playing a role in macro-level development for humanity.

The message from Party General Secretary To Lam reminded me of the lyrics from the song “Khi Tổ quốc cần” (When the Fatherland calls), composed by Group’s Chairman Ho Minh Hoang and musician Vu Quoc Viet. The song was inspired by the words of two great figures. President Ho Chi Minh left the teaching: “Nothing is difficult / Only fear the unyielding heart / Digging mountains and filling the sea / Determination will surely succeed”. US President Kennedy once said: “Ask not what the country has done for you, ask what you have done for your country”. The song spreads noble values and evokes the aspiration for great and silent dedication to the country and the responsibility to the organization, where each individual contributes to meaningful works for the Fatherland.

The principle of "Utilization - Appreciation of human resources" was officially introduced for the first time during the meeting of the Board of Directors of DEOCA Group in Binh Dinh in February 2024.

It can be said that, at the corporate level, the development and utilization – appreciation of human resources at DEOCA Group follows the same spirit. Within the DEOCA system, there have been senior personnel who dedicated themselves for a long time, made significant contributions, and were recognized and entrusted with key positions - if not critical roles - at various periods in the past. However, when their personal aspirations no longer aligned with the Group’s direction, the Chairman was willing to let them leave. The departure from the organization takes place in a civilized and gentle manner. In many of those cases, later they asked to return to work for the Group, they were welcomed in the role of “utilized” personnel - assigned moderate-level tasks to promote interaction, intellect, and experience, proving themselves suitable and bringing value to the organization. From there, they gradually work to gain the organization’s trust, instead of immediately assigning important tasks that are decisive for the long-term future of the Group.

Mr. Nguyen Le Bach - Director of the Planning and Technical Department, author of the article.

For example, the way the leader of the Group expresses gratitude to former employees even though they no longer work in the system. As recalled, at the end of 2023, a heartfelt reunion took place between former assistants to the Chairman of the Board and the current leadership team at the Group. Together, they reminisced about their time living, working, and growing at DEOCA, revisiting cherished memories. Some stayed, some moved on, but they all shared one thing in common: The invaluable, intangible values they gained from DEOCA, which create conditions for each individual to develop no matter what position they are in, in any organization, to become useful people, bringing their intellect and enthusiasm to contribute to homeland and country.

A humanistic and consistent approach in DEOCA's personnel management and talent utilization, guided by the Group's leader, has cultivated an environment of equality, encouraging employees to strive and grow. Those who are committed to the collective good, contributing to both the country and the Group, will always find their place. This principle reassures the Group’s employees, especially those with a strong aspiration to dedicate themselves, feel secure to strive and always remember that: “The collective must come first; then individuals benefit afterward. Not considering oneself standing above the collective”.