Cu Mong tunnel was the last mountain pass belonged to coastal central of Vietnam region without any alternative road tunnel. Building Cu Mong road tunnel would create a connection for regions and developed South Central Coast’s economics.
Mr. Ho Minh Hoang – Deoca Group Joint Stock Chairman of the Board visited, motivated workers at Cu Mong project’s construction site - Image: Pho Ba Cuong
At the same time, road tunnel would untie the last “knot” on National Highway 1, reduced transportation accident on the most dangerous mountain pass route nationally and opened a door to trade with all regions.
After more than 3 years of construction, Cu Mong road tunnel project category with Deoca Investment Joint Stock Company as Owner had been completed basically with outstanding marks of a construction with Vietnamese technologies, Vietnamese knowledge, … This tunnel would decrease route driver have to travel instead of 9 km alternate route.
The project finished prior to the term 3 months
Operation testing Management Center, monitoring vehicles passing through tunnel - Image: H.Hung
In order to satisfy increasing transportation demand, reduce cost and time in transport, reduce traffic and traffic accident … The Prime Minister had approved for supplementing Cu Mong road tunnel category on Deoca road tunnel with Deoca Group Joint Stock Company as owner.
Cu Mong mountain pass road tunnel project was implemented on September 2015, with total route length is 6.62 km (including tunnel length of 2.6 km; road length of 4.02 km), design velocity is 80 km/hour, invested by form of BOT. Cu Mong tunnel construction with total investment of 3.921 billion VND, construction was implementing from deducted capital of Deoca road tunnel project. Currently, Cu Mong road tunnel construction had basically been completed, it was expected to hold a tunnel breakthrough ceremony and put into operation on January 21st, 2019, in comparison to the plan, project had been finished prior to the schedule 3 months.
At this project, most participant forces in the project from supervision consultant, project management consultant, project management board of owner, to contractor were all Vietnamese. They had completely managed machines, equipment, modern technologies, and completed works prior to the plan and schedule.
Breakthrough 2 tunnels with the length of 5.2km in 21 months
By the force and equipment equal to ¼ of other professional contractors when opening tunnel as two new tunnels only had 1 bored machine, 1 injector, 1 loader, 1 excavator, … However, in the term of 3 months (from May 2016 until the end of July 2016 for West tunnel and from June 2018 until the end of July 2016 for East tunnel) excavated and reinforced Cu Mong’s North tunnel gate for 100m.
From December 1st, 2016, at the same time of opening Hai Van tunnel on December 9th, 2018, by using jackhammer and installed it to excavator, construction unit had opened South tunnel gate successfully on rain season.
In the period of 21 months, construction unit had broken through 2 tunnels with the total length of 5.2 k m with the difference when connecting both tunnels was nearly absolute (difference was approximately 1 cm).
Regarding to tunnel segment concrete implementation progress, averagely 1 block/1 day (30 blocks/1 month), other professional contractors were approximately 1.5 blocks/1 day (20 blocks/1 month).
Cu Mong road tunnel is a new appearance on infrastructure for road transport presented on middle of Vietnam region, which always endured sun, wind, rain and storm. A new potential doe economic union between provinces was opening, promised to turn potential into reality, reduce poverty, Name of tunnels: Co Ma, Deo CA, Cu Mong, Hai Van, … would go into history praising and singing on knowledge and skills of Vietnamese in innovation and integration era.
According to NGOC HIEN