These days, the atmosphere at Cu Mong tunnel construction site is one of haste.
Inside Cu Mong tunnel, with the route designed according to Japanese standards for mountain tunneling
The project investor – Deoca Group Joint Stock Company said that currently, the construction has reached 95% of work volume. The Group is confident that the tunnel will be finished and put into operation before Chinese New Year, like a “Tet gift” for citizen, companies to travel to-and-fro.
We manage to capture moments on Cu Mong tunnel construction site as the year draws to a close.
Commissioning at Center for management, supervision of tunnel-passing vehicles
Installing lighting system, ventilation and information system...
Installing tunnel electromechanical systems
Contractors arranging 20 pile tips along with hundreds officers, engineers, workers on site
Finishing the North entrance to the tunnel
The road leading to the North entrance of Cu Mong tunnel under final layering
Toll booth at Northern area of Cu Mong tunnel
Photo: H.Hung